This time, I’d like to thank God for giving me everything. Then in my first post here, I just wanna say that I’m very glad to be a part of Telkom University. I followed the processes, until you are standing now. And I know, that was hard, make the pros and cons, but Allah blessed you, my lovely Telkom University.
Now, I just have a view time remained to sudy in Tel-U. Very thank you for all experiences you involved. I remember when I was a new student, I lost my hair, to be bald. I remember when, my seniors taught me to say “punten” everywhere. I remember when I didnt know how to use lift, then I choosed to climb the ladder, rather than using lift.
You taught me, how to feel amazing when get cumlaude GPA. You taught me to be flexible human to face many conditions. And the most important you taught me to recognize my God, Allah SWT.
Thank you, Institut Manajemen Telkom. Thank you Telkom University. I hope some day, We can collaborate again to build my country, Indonesia. Pray me, insyaAllah whatever I learned in Tel-U, will bring the blesses from Allah SWT.
I love you, Telkom University and all inside you :*